Meet the Steering comitee
Dedication. Passion. Activism.
Team analysis, activism, passion, and collaboration are essential elements that drive positive change and foster a dynamic and effective team environment. When a team engages in thoughtful analysis, it lays the foundation for informed decision-making and strategic planning. This involves assessing individual strengths, skills, and expertise to ensure that each team member contributes meaningfully to the collective goals.

Kathleen Kirgin
Dr. Kathleen Kirgin is a depth psychologist and a globally experienced leadership consultant, working with leaders and professionals in personal development and the cultivation of conscious leadership skills.
Dr. Kirgin received her Bachelor of Arts from Loyola University, and
obtained her master’s degree and her doctorate in depth psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. The focus of her doctoral research concerns collective trauma, transgenerational wounding within the Irish culture, and the possibility of transforming these cultural wounds. Besides her work with private clients, she is also an adjunct professor at Pacifica Graduate Institute.

Tine Papič
Tine Papič is an internationally recognized Jungian psychoanalyst,
supervisor, and coach. In addition to his Jungian analysis training, he has completed education in art-assisted psychotherapy and coaching. He is the president of the Slovenian Association for Analytical Psychology and played a pivotal role as an organizer and initiator of the programme of analytical psychology at Sigmund Freud University (SFU) in Ljubljana, where he also lectures. He is the director of the Open Institute for Psychotherapy in Ljubljana, which he co-founded, and actively participates in private practice, while also serving as an advisor in a government-sponsored programme for non-chemical addictions. He is a board member of “Analysis and Activism.” He has contributed to the field through numerous international lectures and publications.

Michał Stankiewicz
has completed first-degree training with the Polish Association for Jungian Analysts. He is interested in the intersection of Depth Psychology and Space/Place, finding inspiration in the work of Psychogeographers from the Situationist International. These individuals sought to reimagine places by crafting new maps and routes. His approach aligns with the Spatial Turn in Humanities, which has introduced the concept of “deep maps,” offering a suitable framework for his interests.

Manca Švara
Manca is a Provisional Member of the IAAP via the Slovenian Society for Analytical Psychology (SZAP), currently awaiting her certification as a Jungian Analyst in Zurich. She has an MA in Applied Arts from the University of Ljubljana and has finished Propedeutics in Psychotherapy at the Sigmund Freud University in Ljubljana. She is also a qualified psychological astrologer (IPAL Method) with an expertise in coaching and counseling with cosmology.
She founded Epiona Institute for Lifelong Learning where she promotes the therapeutic potential of symbols and art. Her work focuses on raising awareness of intergenerational trauma, particularly in border regions, integrating psychoanalysis, anthropology and art to foster societal resilience and compassion (Project "My story from Silence" and "RE4 Healing: Crossborder Remembrance, Restoring and Resilience" funded by the EU CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM-HOLOCAUST).
Manca serves also as a board member of the Slovenian Association of Analytical Psychology (SZAP).

Alex Sierck
Alex Sierck is a psychoanalyst in private practice in New York City. He completed his psychoanalytic training at the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association in New York. Previously, Alex was a civil rights lawyer for over two decades, representing poor people in the U.S. criminal justice system, including those on death-row. A long-time student of Zen Buddhism, Alex is the former chair of the Board of Directors at The Brooklyn Zen Center. Alex writes and publishes on the intersection of psychoanalysis and politics, with particular emphasis on the role of transcendence in healing, the relationship between desire, democracy, and psychoanalysis, and on the oftentimes complicated nature of freedom and subjectivity.

Emma Ting Wong
Dr. Emma Ting Wong is a Clinical Psychologist, Jungian Analyst with over 20 years of clinical experience. She obtained her PhD in Clinical Health Psychology from the University of Hong Kong. She is certified to teach Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre and has completed extensive training and supervision in mindfulness-based approaches.
Dr. Wong has her private practice in London, primarily serving the global Chinese-speaking (Cantonese and Mandarin) and / or English-speaking communities. She is experienced in leading retreats, experiential practices and social dream matrixes. Besides, she is also active in publishing, giving presentations and workshops at international conferences with interests in cultural identities, dreams and art.
Dr. Wong serves as a board member of the Hong Kong Institute of Analytical Psychology (HKIAP).